



(翻译:王凡非 | 核译:李泽西)














中国和朝鲜在 60

It won’t be long before the world finds out if Ukrainian officials were right in saying on Monday that their forces had fired at North Korean soldiers in combat for the first time since they were deployed by Russia to its western Kursk region. Despite denials from Pyongyang, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on October 31 that as many as 8,000 North Korean troops were in Russia’s Kursk region and expected to enter combat.

Are North Korean troops a game changer in the grinding Russo-Ukrainian conflict? I think not. Russia has already gained the upper hand on the battlefield against the Ukrainians, who are weary, short of ammunition and outnumbered. So while a dispatch of North Korean troops may be useful, its significance would primarily be political.

Besides, such added strength from Pyongyang would not help Moscow claim a quick victory. It would, however, most certainly make the United States and Europe more determined to provide extra aid to Ukraine, which has been asking for heavy attack weapons to strike deeper into Russia.

On the European battlefield, the only beneficiary, it seems, is North Korea, a latecomer. First, the unprecedented public relations effort of sending its soldiers to faraway Europe is guaranteed to attract global attention. Isolated and sanctioned, North Korea sees itself as a nuclear power – what it wants most is to be treated as a nuclearised “normal” country. For that to happen, it needs to get the world to sit up so it can attempt to break international sanctions.

North Korea’s periodic missile launches and recent declaration that South Korea was now a “hostile” state are in the same vein. Pyongyang’s campaign is not to launch a suicidal attack against South Korea one day; it is to draw attention, especially from the US. Unlike Donald Trump, who spent time dealing with Pyongyang when he was president between 2017 and 2021, the Biden administration’s attitude has been more one of strategic negligence.

Second, North Korea can benefit from much-needed supplies of food, fuel and other material from Russia even as its soldiers gain their first combat experience since the Korean war. The Korean People’s Army, 1.28 million strong, can find out how effective their munitions and short-range ballistic missiles are on a battlefield. They will learn how to deal with drones and counter-attacks. North Korean soldiers will be combat-hardened.

So, the longer the war, the better it is for North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. Even if he has decided to send 12,000 troops to Russia, as alleged, it is still less than 1 per cent of North Korea’s standing military. This would not tip the military balance on the Korean peninsula unfavourably for Pyongyang.

And, in return for a reportedly steady flow of munitions and soldiers to a most important ally, Kim is hoping for access to Russia’s higher-end military technology, especially regarding satellites, missiles and submarines. As long as North Korean soldiers fight alongside Russian soldiers, Kim is counting on Russian President Vladimir Putin feeling obliged to give something back.

Meanwhile, it remains to be seen how the US administration will turn the screw on North Korea. The Yoon government in South Korea believes in ensuring peace through “overwhelming force” and will almost certainly feel it has to respond more forcefully to the North now, and possibly provide more economic and humanitarian support to Ukraine, even direct military assistance. Ironically, we could see the two Koreas fighting as proxies in Europe after years of detente on the peninsula.

China’s attitude so far is a measured calmness. There is good reason for Beijing not to say too much when North Korea has flatly denied its involvement in the war in Ukraine. Beijing will not be happy to see the situation in Europe become more complex.

Arguing that Beijing is losing its influence over Pyongyang to Moscow is simplistic. However close Moscow and Pyongyang might become militarily, North Korea’s economic dependence on China remains the foundation of its survival.

In fact, the presence of North Korean troops on a European battlefield will bolster China’s influence over the Korean peninsula as Beijing faces calls from Washington and European capitals to use its leverage on Pyongyang. Blinken last week said the US and China have had “a robust conversation” where China was urged to “use the influence that they have to work to curb these activities”.

Much has been said about the alliance between the US, South Korea and Japan battling an axis represented by China, Russia and North Korea. This is bunkum. China, Russia and North Korea do not necessarily see the world through the same prism. North Korea will welcome a new cold war and Russia believes we are already in one – but China is opposed to a new cold war.

At first glance, North Korea’s treaties with China in 1961 and Russia this year look similar when it comes to how one party should render military aid to the other when attacked. In reality, military interactions between Beijing and Pyongyang are scant. For instance, Chinese and Russian militaries have joint exercises practically every year but one would be hard-pressed to think of the last time Beijing and Pyongyang organised a joint military drill.

The treaty alliance between China and North Korea made over 60 years ago is only useful when Beijing wants it to be. Even if Russia and North Korea are happy to see the competition between China and the US intensify, as long as Beijing believes that its relationship with Washington is still manageable, the treaty will remain dormant, making a Beijing-Moscow-Pyongyang alliance impossible. On the grand chessboard, North Korea may look like a spoiler – but it is not capable of being a game changer.


上一篇 2024年11月12日 下午8:05
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